Tamar asks Milad to do as she says when Parham arrives. Israel HQ sends in support and they kill Kamir - Tamar tells the men not to kill Milad and she asks him to give her his phone. Kamir attacks Tamar and but she manages to draw a weapon on him. There is a slight hint that Tamar may be feeling guilty about her situation with Milad, or so we thought. Yael texts Tamar with some encouragement, telling her she’s doing well. Israel HQ is listening in and they sense that the relationship between them is getting a bit intense.
Milad talks of how he loves this country so much and Tamar remains silent. Tamar and Milad believe they may have persuaded the engineer. Parham is fretting, realising how illegal all this is. Anyway, Milad introduces the substation engineer Parham Kasrayi to Tamar - they ask for access to his workplace and promise it will not trace back to him. This character will not give Tamar a break. Karim is a little paranoid about Tamar and starts asking questions to himself about where she works. Tamar heads out to meet the engineer with Milad. I have to say, Tehran season 1, episode 6 proves how bewitching Tamar is - she fully convinced me in this chapter and I did not expect what came later. Tamar rings HQ while in the shower and she is asked to proceed with the plans.
The pair seem to have grown closer after pill-popping and partying.
Meanwhile, Milad and Tamar seem to be enjoying each other, a lot.